Juniper Berry Oil

Botanical Name:
Juniperus communis

Juniper essential oil is extracted from Juniperus communis, of the Cupressaceae family and is also known as common juniper. Juniper Berry oil is used in aromatherapy to help stimulate and strengthen the nerves and bolster the spirits in challenging situations, while helping to relieve urine retention. It is used for treating rheumatism, arthritis and gout, as well as cellulite, acne, dermatitis, blocked pores, psoriasis and weeping eczemas. Juniper oil is extracted from dried, crushed or slightly dried ripe fruit by steam distillation and yields 0.2 % - 2 %.

Main Components:
A-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-phellandrene

Colds, flu, acne, cellulitis, gout, hemorrhoids, obesity, rheumatism, toxin build-up.

Aromatic Description:
Crisp, woody, sweet, earthy, with almost a hidden fruity note.

Part Distilled: :

Steam Distilled
Strength of Initial Aroma :
Mild - Medium